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In this article you’ll see the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence.


is designing programs or machines that have ability to think, so machines can take decisions without interference of human.


Giving thinking capacity to machines can arise several problems and advantages too. So let’s see them.

使机器具有思考能力也会产生一些问题和优势。 让我们来看一下。

advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

人工智能的优势 (Advantages of Artificial Intelligence)

Less Errors: As decisions are taken on previously gathered information and certain algorithms, without the interference of humans, so errors are reduced and the chance of reaching accuracy with a greater degree of precision is a possibility.


Faster Decisions: Using Artificial intelligence, decisions can be taken very fast. For example, we all have played Chess game in Windows. It is nearly impossible to beat CPU in hard mode because of the A.I. behind that game.  Because it took the best possible step in very short time according the algorithms used behind it.

更快的决策:使用人工智能,可以非常快速地做出决策。 例如,我们所有人都在Windows中玩过国际象棋游戏。 由于游戏背后的AI,几乎不可能在硬模式下击败CPU。 因为根据其背后使用的算法,它已在很短的时间内采取了最佳步骤。

Daily Applications: In today’s era, A.I. is used in many applications just like Apple’s Siri, Window’s Cortana, Google’s OK Google. Using these type of applications we can communicate with our device using our voice. Which makes our work easy. For example, in recent android phones if we want to search for a location then all we have to do is say “OK Google where is Agra”. It will show you Agra’s location on google map and best path between you and Agra.

日常应用程序:在当今时代,AI被用于许多应用程序中,例如Apple的Siri, Window的Cortana, Google的OK Google。 使用这些类型的应用程序,我们可以使用语音与设备进行通信。 这使我们的工作变得容易。 例如,在最近的Android手机中,如果我们要搜索位置,那么我们所要做的就是说“ OK Google Agra在哪里”。 它将在Google地图上显示阿格拉的位置以及您和阿格拉之间的最佳路径。

No Emotions: The complete absence of emotions makes machines to think logically and take right decision where in humans emotions are associated with moods that can affect human efficiency. Complete absence of emotions make machines to take right decisions.

没有情感:完全没有情感使机器能够逻辑思考并做出正确的决定,在人的情感中,情感与可能影响人类效率的情感相关联。 完全没有情绪会使机器做出正确的决定。

Digital Assistants: Some of highly advanced organizations uses digital assistants to interact with users which saves need of human resource. Digital assistant also used in many websites to provide things that user want. We can chat with them about what we are looking for. Some chat bots are designed in such a way that its become hard to determine that we’re chatting with a chat bot or a human being. For Example, Mitsuku.

数字助理:一些高级组织使用数字助理与用户进行交互,从而节省了人力资源。 数字助理还用于许多网站中,以提供用户想要的东西。 我们可以与他们聊天,寻找我们想要的东西。 有些聊天机器人的设计方式使其很难确定我们是在与聊天机器人还是在与人聊天。 例如,Mitsuku。

No Breaks: Unlike humans, machines can work 24*7 without any break. Humans need a break after work to regain their speed and freshness whereas machines can work for long hours without getting bored or distracted.

不间断:与人类不同,机器可以不间断地工作24 * 7。 下班后,人们需要休息一下以恢复其速度和新鲜度,而机器可以长时间工作,而不会感到无聊或分心。

Medical Applications: Increasing the integration of could improve the efficiency of treatments and avoid cost by minimizing the risk of false diagnosis. AI has begun transforming the field of surgical robotics wherein it has enabled the advent of robots that perform semi-automated surgical tasks with increasing efficiency. A.I is not going to replace Doctors, it will help them by providing the relevant data need to take care of patient (such as history of aortic aneurism, high blood pressure, coronary blockages, history of smoking, prior pulmonary embolism, cancer, implantable devices or deep vein thrombosis). Otherwise this information would take long time to collect.

医疗应用: 增加的集成可以通过最大程度地降低错误诊断的风险来提高治疗效率并避免成本。 人工智能已经开始改变外科手术机器人领域,它使能够以更高的效率执行半自动化外科手术任务的机器人的出现成为可能。 AI不会取代Doctors,它将通过提供照顾患者所需的相关数据(例如主动脉瘤病史,高血压,冠状动脉阻塞,吸烟史,先前的肺栓塞,癌症,可植入设备)来帮助他们或深静脉血栓形成)。 否则,此信息将花费很长时间收集。

Taking risks on behalf of humans: In various situations, Robots can be used instead of Humans to avoid the risks. Such as Robots can be programmed to explore Space because metal body can suffer in different situations but the human body can not. In Military forces Robots can be programmed to defuse a bomb, so the error will be reduced and can save human lives. Complex machines can be used for exploring the ocean floor and hence overcoming the human limitations.

代表人类承担风险:在各种情况下,可以使用机器人代替人类来规避风险。 例如,可以对机器人进行编程以探索太空,因为金属身体可能会在不同的情况下受苦,而人体则不会。 在军事力量中,可以对机器人进行编程以使其炸药消散,从而减少错误并挽救生命。 复杂的机器可用于探索海床,从而克服人类的局限性。

Public Utilities: Self-Driving cars, which would greatly reduce the number of car crashes. Facial recognition can be used for security. Natural language processing to communicate with humans in their language.

公用事业:自动驾驶汽车,将大大减少撞车事故的发生。 面部识别可用于安全性。 自然语言处理,以人类语言交流。

There were some pros or benefits of artificial intelligence. Lets talk about some of its cons.

人工智能有一些优点或好处。 让我们来谈谈它的一些弊端。

人工智能的缺点 (Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence)

High Costs: The hardware and software need to get updated with time to meet the latest requirements. Machines need repairing and maintenance which need plenty of cost.

高成本:硬件和软件需要及时更新以满足最新要求。 机器需要维修和保养,这需要大量成本。

Unemployment: The increasing number of machines leading to unemployment and job security issues. As machines are replacing human resources, the rate of people losing their jobs will increase. Because machines can work 24*7 with no break, which is more beneficial of industries instead of working with people who needs break and refreshment. Machines do their work as they programmed to do without any error while error can be occurred from humans.

失业:越来越多的机器导致失业和工作保障问题。 随着机器替代人力资源,失业人数的增加将会增加。 因为机器可以不间断地全天候工作24 * 7,所以这对行业更有利,而不是与需要休息和休息的人一起工作。 机器按照编程的方式工作,没有任何错误,而人为错误可能发生。

Can’t think out of box: Robots can only do the work that they are programmed to do. They cannot act any different outside of whatever algorithm or programming is stored in their internal circuits. And when it comes to a creative mind, nothing can beat a human mind. A computer can’t think differently while making or drawing something. The thoughts comes from the emotions and experience which machine’s cannot. So machine can’t think out of box whereas thousands of new thoughts and ideas comes into a human mind.

不能开箱即用:机器人只能完成其编程要完成的工作。 它们无法在内部电路中存储的算法或程序之外执行任何其他操作。 当涉及到创造性思维时,没有什么能击败人类思维。 电脑在制作或绘图时不能有不同的想法。 思想来自机器无法做到的情感和经验。 因此,机器无法开箱即用,而成千上万的新思想和想法却进入了人类的思维。

Can’t feel Compassion and Sympathy: There is no doubt that machines are much better when it comes to working efficiently but they cannot replace the human connection that makes the team. Machines cannot develop a bond with humans.

不能有同情心和同情心:毫无疑问,机器在有效工作方面会更好,但是它们无法取代构成团队的人际关系。 机器无法与人建立联系。

Highly dependent on machines: In todays generation, most of the people are highly dependent on Applications like Siri. With so much assistance from machine, if humans do not need their thinking abilities, these abilities will be gradually decrease. In future with the heavy use of application of artificial intelligence, human may become fully dependent on machines, losing their mental capacities.

高度依赖机器:在当今时代,大多数人高度依赖Siri等应用程序。 在机器的大量帮助下,如果人类不需要思考能力,这些能力将逐渐降低。 未来随着人工智能的大量使用,人类可能会完全依赖机器,从而失去其智力。

These are some advantages and disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence. Some people also say that Artificial intelligence can destroy human civilization if it goes into wrong hands. But still none of the A.I. application made at that scale that can destroy or enslave human (as shown in some movies like Megatron in Transformers and ultron in Marvel). So we should not consider this as disadvantage of Artificial intelligence.

这些是人工智能的优点和缺点。 有人还说,人工智能如果落入错误之手,就会毁灭人类文明。 但是,仍然没有任何一种能够破坏或奴役人类的AI应用程序(如《变形金刚》中的《威震天》和《漫威》中的ultron等电影中所显示的那样)。 因此,我们不应将其视为人工智能的缺点。

If you have any questions related with this article, comment below. We’ll reply as soon as possible.

如果您对本文有任何疑问,请在下面评论。 我们会尽快回复。




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